Staying Present in Children’s Lives

Staying Present in Children’s Lives

June 12, 2023 in News, Parent Education & Support

As Father’s Day is fast approaching, Regional Medical Center (RMC) Parents as Teachers (PAT) reminds parents that the presence of a father can have so many positive impacts on their child(ren)’s life. 

Research shows a significant positive correlation between loving and nurturing fathers and children’s positive development and behavior. No matter the living situation, there are many ways to stay present and active in your child’s life. 

Stay involved, even from a distance. There are many reasons father’s may not see their children on a regular basis. Redefine what “staying involved” looks like based on your personal situation. The first step in staying present is staying aware of your child’s needs and interests. 

Become involved in all aspects of your child’s life. The roles of parent responsibilities in this day and age are far more equal than in past generations. Fathers are just as capable to share tasks like changing diapers, reading books, telling stories, making doctor appointments, sharing drop off and pick ups and so much more. 

Fathers are important contributors to the well-being of children. If you and your family are looking for more guidance or parenting resources, the RMC Parents as Teachers is a FREE community program for Delaware County families. Learn more at or contact us at 563-927-7685 or

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